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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life

Keep practising your maths skills in a variety of ways. Mastering maths is all about practice and the more you use your skills and knowledge the more confident you become, the more you enjoy the subject and the more you want to learn. We hope you enjoy some of the following:

Website or App Name Key Stage Content KS1 and KS2 Lots of times tables games KS1 and KS2 Online tables tests and printable sheets All

Range of maths games and content

for all year groups All

5 completely free, video led maths

lesson every week for each year group All Range of Maths and English games KS2

Fantastic site - free daily videos for Years

3,4, 5 and 6 for home learning, approved 

by NCETM National Centre for the Excellence

in Teaching Mathematics

All English, Maths, Games and video games
King of Maths App YR - Y2 Early number practice - free for starting number recognition, addition & subtraction

Some other ideas for maths activities are:

  • Sing, chant, march, speed recall your times tables facts - race an adult ... can you score more correct answers in 30 seconds than they can?
  • Measure (approximately) the height up your stairs at home and calculate how many times you would need to climb the stairs to climb the equivalent height of a famous mountain (no. of times = height of mountain/height of stairs). Can you climb Snowden or Everest in your home over Easter?
  • Practice telling the time - 12 hour (am/pm), 24 hour , analogue (round face) and digital
  • work out time ‘intervals’ - "How long until dinner?"
  • Playing maths related board games – Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, dominoes
  • Play card games that use maths skills 
  • Practise number bonds to 10, 20, 50 or 100 (or 1000 Y5/Y6) - “83 and …?”  “...17”
  • Use money skills in a pretend toy/food shop at home
  • Have a look at other ideas in our Mastering Maths at home booklet that has been shared previously – click on the picture below as a link