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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life

All schools in England have a governing body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately, to represent the school community.

The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the local authority. Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

In July 2015, the governing body elected to reconstitute, in keeping with statutory guidance from the Department for Education. They took this decision as it allowed them to change the numbers and types of governors we have and to appoint people on the basis of the skills they could bring.

Since the start of the academic year 2016/17, instead of having separate committees, we have chosen to have Full Governors meetings every half-term. Governor attendance at meetings from the last academic year can be seen in the document at the bottom of this page, as can the Governing Body Constitution document which includes the roles held by current members.

The governing body now comprises:

1 Headteacher governor

1 Staff governor

2 Parent governors

1 Local Authority governor

5 Co-opted governors

Governors approved the constitution as detailed above to come into effect from 16 July 2015 and that the term of office of Staff Governors would be two years, all others would be four years. For details of roles and responsibilities of our current school governors, please see the constitution document at the bottom of this page.

The chair of governors is Kristie Wren, who can be contacted via the school office.

For details of dates of appointment and attendance at Governors meetings over the last academic year, please see the attached documents at the bottom of this page.

Kirstie Wren - Chair of Governors 

Chair of Governors

Term of office from 6 Feb 2020 to 5 Feb 2024
First appointed on 14 Mar 2016

Appointed by the Governing Board

Register of interests: None

Has voting rights

I am a co-opted governor and joined the board in March 2016. Currently my main responsibility on the governing board is data/outcomes for pupils.

I grew up in Coventry before attending Imperial College London where I obtained a degree in Chemical Engineering (2010-2014). After graduating, I returned to Coventry to take a job as a Paint Manufacturing Engineer in the automotive industry.

I also volunteer as a STEM Ambassador, a role which allows me to volunteer in various schools to promote the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills. It is a real privilege to be able to continue my involvement with Stivichall and to help ensure all its pupils have access to the best possible education.

Karen Ferguson - Headteacher

Headteacher Governor

A member of the governing body by virtue of position in school

Term of office from 1 Sep 2013 to present
First appointed on 1 Sep 2013

Register of interests:

  • Governors have been notified of any commercial or educational interests

Has voting rights

After graduating from The University of Warwick with a BA Honours degree in English with QTS in 2002, I began my teaching career in Coventry.  I then moved to Warwickshire before later taking on my first headship in Leamington Spa.  Stivichall Primary is my fourth school and second headship.  Throughout my time here, as a result of hard work from pupils, staff, parents and governors, the school has gone from strength to strength.  I am extremely proud of our school.

Pauline Parkes   - Safeguarding/SEN

Co-opted governor 

Term of office from 16 Jul 2023 to 15 Jul 2027
First appointed on 2 May 1998

Appointed by the Governing Board

Register of interests:

  • Director at Finham Park Multi Academy Trust since September 2017 SEND/Inclusion/Safeguarding background

Has voting rights

I was elected as a Parent Governor at Stivichall Primary school in the early 1990s. Since then I have been a Community Governor and I am currently a Co-opted Governor.

I am a retired teacher and have worked in the City of Coventry for over 30 years. I have been involved in all of the committees of the governing body over the years, though my background in Education has meant my particular interest has always been in curriculum issues and the health and welfare of young people. I held the position of SENCO, Inclusion Manager and Safeguarding Lead at a local secondary school and continue to act in a consultancy role for the Multi Academy Trust where I was employed.

I am married with two adult children, both of whom went to Stivichall Primary School, and I continue to live within the school catchment area. I started my career as a teacher of PE and music and moved to Coventry to teach at a local secondary school in 1980. I believe that all young people should have the best possible start in life and that school can play a big part in this. I continue to be a keen advocate for sport and for all of the expressive arts and see them as an extremely valuable and intrinsic part of the school curriculum. 

Rachel Leonard - EYFS/Personal Development

Parent governor 

Term of office:  19th October 2023 - 18th October 2027


Appointed by Parents

Register of interests:

  • None

Has voting rights

I was elected as a Parent Governor in October 2023. Both of my children attend Stivichall Primary School so I’m invested in the school’s teaching and learning environment.

I’m a Business School graduate, CIPD qualified and I’ve worked at a senior level in higher education HR for over 15 years. I have significant experience in employee relations, case management, legislation, data analysis and strategic planning.

From my voluntary work I understand how children need firm foundations to grow and flourish. I’m passionate about the vital role school life plays in this and am committed to improving the educational experience for all.

Pat Hunt - SEN, Leadership, Finance

Co-opted governor 

Term of office from 16 Jul 2023 to 15 Jul 2027
First appointed on 1 Apr 2011

Appointed by Governing Board 

Register of interests: None 

Has voting rights

I am recently retired having spent my working life in Banking, Financial Management and finally as Director of Corporate Resources at the government funded British Educational Technology Agency (Becta)

I have experience in Finance, Human Resources, Building and Facilities management and organisational Performance Management.

I have lived in the community for the past 30 years and seen the exciting growth and development of Stivichall School, and more recently through the eyes of 2 of my grandchildren who have been part of the school.

When I retired from a very busy job, I was pleased to have some time to use the skills and the experience gained through work and through bringing up a family, in such a positive way.

Initially I came into school to help with reading then was elected to be a Community Governor in 2011, and recently re-elected as a co-opted governor.

I really enjoy my involvement with the children and the staff at Stivichall and am looking forward to supporting them in another busy and successful year.


Shabir Ismail - Health & Safety, ICT Internet Safety

details TBC

Charlotte Tull - Assessment/ Safeguarding

Parent Governer

Term of office from 2nd Jan 2022 to 1st Jan 2026

First appointed on 2nd Jan 2022

Appointed by Parents

Register of interests: None

Has voting rights

I joined the Stivichall family in 2020 when my daughter’s joined reception, which gave me the insight into how important it is for the foundations to be laid in EYFS. From this I developed an interest in the role of the governing body and I was elected as a parent governor in 2022. Currently my main areas of responsibility are Leadership and Management and Outcomes for pupils, Assessment, Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum.  

These areas are of keen interest to me, as in my professional career I am a senior leader in a local Coventry Primary School. I grew up in the local area and I have taught in Coventry since graduating in 2009 from Birmingham City University with BA Honours in Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status. Throughout my career, I have seen first-hand how fundamental it is to provide a nurturing curriculum which celebrates all children’s achievements, whilst equipping them to become life- long learners, though an immersive curriculum which is ambitious and bespoke, enabling all pupils to become first-class citizens in modern society. I am a firm believer that school is the door to the rest of the world, and it is our moral duty to open that door, providing the best opportunities to support our children to succeed, achieve and encounter a world of endless possibilities.  

Outside of my job I enjoy spending time with my family and have a keen interest in baking and forest schools. It is a real privilege for me to be involved in my daughters education at Stivichall. 

Parminder Mudhar - Finance/ ICT Internet Safety

Co-opted Governor

Term of office from 2/2/23 to 1/2/27

Date appointed: 2/2/23

Appointed by Governing Board 

Register of interests: none

Has voting rights

My role as a co-opted governor allows me to utilise my financial background and understanding of financial pressures faced by the school, the public sector and other businesses through my career as an accountant in the public sector.   I am confident in my ability to challenge and ask questions, to enable me to understand why a specific course of action may be undertaken, as well as to consider options and assess the risks and benefits of proposals.  A key part of my role does involve review of business cases and justifying a specific course of action based on the outputs of financial and non-financial assessments.

My current full time role is a good balance of public - private sector, as the Financial Director for a holding company managing the Council’s commercial investments.  This gives me an appreciation for the importance of good governance with previous experience at the Council with reporting to Members, drafting reports for specific decisions.  In my current role I was heavily involved in the determining the governance process for the companies in the group and reporting requirements for the Council/ Shareholder Committee.  I feel I can draw on experiences in my professional life in relation to good governance to support me in this role.

As a mum to two children who will complete their primary education at Stivichall Primary, I am keen to see the school go from strength to strength and my role on the Governing Body and working with the management team can support this.

Lucy Beyer - Staff well-being 

Staff Governor

Appointed by Staff 

Details tbc