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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life

British Values

At Stivichall, we aim for our children to become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background. We promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of people with different faiths and beliefs. 


The opinions of all our school community are valued and our children’s views are regularly sought in a variety of areas. Several of our pupil teams are voted for through a democratic process and children learn about democracy through assemblies and taking part in UK Parliament Week activities. 

Rule of Law 

Our Golden Rules are explained in our Behaviour Policy, which is shared with pupils, parents and carers. These rules are in place for our well-being, safety and to facilitate learning. At the beginning of the year class teachers discuss the Golden Rules with their classes to ensure a clear understanding of the expectations and each class has these on display. There are clear sanctions for when children break these rules, using a system of warnings followed by yellow or red cards. Rules are revisited throughout the year incidentally and through PSHE lessons.   

Individual Liberty 

We encourage children at Stivichall to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment to enable this. For example, children are able to make choices about joining extra-curricular clubs, what to present in class assemblies, what resources to use and the level of challenge in some lessons.  

As part of Jigsaw lessons, we discuss different choices and the consequences of these. Children are always encouraged to make right choices and praised when they do so. Pupils are taught about their rights and the responsibilities which go alongside these.  

Through Philosophy for Children (P4C) lessons and Sticky Question discussions, children are free to express their opinions about a variety of topics, whilst also listening to and respecting others who may have different opinions.  Each new half-termly Theme has a Big Question to think about and discuss at the end of the unit. 

Parents, as the primary educators of their children, are encouraged to engage in philosophical debate through our weekly Sticky questions. 

Mutual Respect 

Mutual respect is a core value at Stivichall and is displayed on the Stivichall Tree. Mutual respect begins with members of staff modelling this behavior in the way they interact with each other and the way they treat pupils. Through assemblies, PSHE lessons and day to day incidental opportunities, children learn that their behaviours have consequences. Children are encouraged to respect others throughout the day, both in class and on the playground. Pupils are also taught, during Online safety lessons, that mutual respect should also been shown in online interactions with others.  

In addition, children are taught about respecting others who are different to themselves in our We All Belong lessons. Pupils explore the different protected characteristics (below) from the Equality Act 2010 through a range of carefully chosen, age appropriate children’s books. The protected characteristics are: 

  • age; 

  • disability; 

  • gender reassignment; 

  • marriage and civil partnership; 

  • pregnancy and maternity; 

  • race; 

  • religion or belief; 

  • sex; 

  • sexual orientation. 

Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs 

At Stivichall, we promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and beliefs. RE lessons, assemblies and Jigsaw lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. The RE curriculum is planned in a way that encourages children to see links and similarities between different religions. 

Family members of different religious groups are encouraged to come into school and share their faith to enhance learning in class. The children also visit different places of worship, faith leaders come into school/share assemblies and we celebrate inter-faith week.