In September year 5 took part in a Noh theatre workshop at Howes Primary School and explored this traditional art form with an internationally renowned Noh expert. They were then inspired to explore the theme of peace which was particularly relevant as we approached the centenary of the end of World War 1. In their English lessons, the children wrote peace poetry and created tanzacus (hanging poems). They then each created and decorated a beautiful windchime from which their poem would hang. The children's windchimes are now on display in Coventry Cathedral until Friday 16th November. The work is on display in front of the West Screen at the front of the cathedral and we would like to encourage you to go and visit the cathedral during this period to see the children’s wonderful work. We have also been invited to take the wind chimes to display at the Japanese embassy in London in February. This is a great honour and the children should be very proud of their achievements.