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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life
Mary Poppins

Our amazingly talented Year 4 and 5 pupils put on a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Mary Poppins musical this week.

They performed three times this week, performing seamlessly each time to a packed hall.

They learnt their lines, sang, danced, painted scenery and managed the stage & props like West End professionals. We are incredibly proud of them all.

Special thanks to all the staff involved for their hard work, the PTA for serving refreshments at both performances and to both Mrs Northmore and Mrs Laye who kindly volunteered to help with scenery and make up.

Thank you to all those that attended and completed the comment cards.  Here are a couple for you to read:


‘A fantastic performance, a credit to the staff and all the children.’


‘What a fantastic performance!  Absolutely brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed it! Well done everyone!’


‘Really enjoyed the show, I thought it would be too ambitious but the children were superb including the stage hands. 10/10’