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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life
Posititon: Governor Wanted!

Looking for a great opportunity?

Want to give something back to your local community?

Look no further!

We are seeking a co-opted governor to join the Governing Body at Stivichall Primary School. We have all of the parent governors we need, but are looking for a suitable, local individual, who has the passion to support the education of the young people in our community and who has the skills and experience to contribute to the success of our school. There is no requirement to understand the education system. Governors just have to have life skills, the time to share their experience, an enquiring mind and the confidence to ask questions.  If you know of someone, a friend, neighbour, extended family member, colleague, who may be interested in this exciting opportunity, please ask them to contact the school for further details.


Thank you

Mike Ballinger

Chair of Governors