Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the announcement from the Prime Minister at 8 pm this evening, school will be closed to most children from tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January.
Initially, to allow our staff time to work hard preparing online resources, remote learning for children staying at home is available through the ‘Home Learning’ tab on our website (link here). Online resources linked to various aspects of our curriculum are included along with ideas to practise key English and Maths skills at home.
We aim to move to remote learning via the Seesaw platform from Wednesday.
If you are a critical worker (by the definition detailed in this link) and you require a place for your child in school, please complete the parent form sent to your email address earlier this afternoon and promptly as possible. This will allow us to plan effectively for the coming weeks. If you meet the criteria, you may send your child to school as normal tomorrow, initially following the same drop-off and pickup times currently in place. We remain thankful for the way that you worked with school during the previous lockdown and ask that you continue to support us by only a taking a place if you need it.
If your child is vulnerable as per the criteria (i.e. they have an Education Health Care Plan, or are on a Child in Need or Child Protection plan with social services, or are a Looked After Child), please send them to school as normal as they also are entitled to a place at school.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the challenging situation in which we are all placed - we do empathise with the disruption that this recent announcement has caused. We appreciate the challenges that come with juggling both working from home and supporting your child in their remote learning.
Thank you and stay safe.