Within national Anti-Bullying week (wk commencing 16th November 2020) children will be taking part in a variety of activities at school. To launch the week, on Monday 16th November we will be enjoying 'Odd Socks Day' which is a chance to talk about and celebrate our differences. Details have been sent home to families via email.
During the week class teachers will be discussing what bullying is and actions that each of us can take to help prevent it. The Anti-bullying Alliance has created some guidance and a support pack to help parents discussing bullying with their children. The pack can be found by following this link: https://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week/parents-and-carers . SafeToNet is also offering 60-day free access to their safeguarding app for parents, to help keep your children safe online. The app can be accessed via this link: http://www.safetonet.com/abw2020 and the free access gained by using the code ABW2020.