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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life
Opening September 2nd

Please click here for LATEST Information regarding September 2020 opening

23/08/2020 - LATEST Information regarding September 2020

Staff and Governors at Stivichall are hoping that children and families are enjoying the Summer break. We are looking forward to welcoming all children back in September. The school risk assessment and full reopening plan has been approved by Coventry Local Authority and the teaching unions. If anything changes before September 2nd, we will update this information again and also notify parents through the Parent Mail system.

Information Booklet and Face Coverings Latest

The Parent and Carer Information Booklet for return in September (shared initially in July) is available through clicking on the image below - apologies that due to ongoing changes to guidance on face coverings there have been several recent amendments to this area (in red font on P.6). Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Department for Education and Public Health England have maintained that face coverings are not advised for primary schools and research evidence suggests they are not of benefit to under 11s. Coventry Local Authority does not fall into a high risk category area and their position is that face coverings in primary school are a parent and staff personal choice. If face coverings are worn, this should not generally be in classrooms, only for communal areas and moving around as wearing face masks in class will affect speaking and listening, behaviour and engagement and therefore learning. Putting on and removal of any face covering must be done so following a strict procedure to minimise transmission (outlined in the information booklet).

Timings of the Day

For Children in Years 1 to 6, please note the staggered drop off and pick up times depending on your child's surname. This has also been copied below for ease of referral. Reception children have a phased return to school and parents received information in the summer term as to their sessions and timings.

Fun Club has informed school that as of 24/08/2020 bookings for Fun Club in September are now closed.

Here is the Parent and Carer Information Booklet for return in September 2020:

Staggered Drop Off and Pick Up times Y1 - Y6 are as follows:

Thank you to everyone at home for your ongoing support and for helping your child or children get ready for their return to school. We understand that this will be a big change for many. There are some things that you can do at home to help you and your child get ready for a return to the school 'routine'. The links below give practical ideas on what you can start doing now in preparation.

A link to the letter for parents/carers from Coventry Local Authority on 26th August:

Recent resources shared from HM Government including a link to the latest online guidance for parents from the DfE: